Sitemap (in process)

What is Lorem Ipsum? Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Privacy Statement
(1) FTC notice/awareness -- Web sites should be required to provide consumers notice of their information practices, (i.e., what information they collect and how they use it);

Should you happen to contact via email or web-based contact form, the only information we might happen to collect is your name and email address. We may also, if appropriate, save a copy of your email. An example of such an appropriate situation might be a bug report about the website requiring a fix. The email would then serve as a record of the problem and/or fix.

As you browse this website our Apache server is collecting a record of which pages are viewed. But don't be alarmed. We do not use this information for the purpose of profiling. We do use the information to hopefully understand which pages the public appreciates the most and make more of those types of pages. It's much like a turn-style at a ballpark. The turn-style doesn't care who in particular walks through the gate. It just counts the numbers.

If you register as a contributor on the website we will store the information provided by you for purposes of verifying your password should you wish to post content to the website. We don't have any other intended use for this information.

If you purchase a product off the website we will undoubtedly be collecting your name, billing address, shipping address and other such standard bits of information used in the transaction. We will be storing this information to facilitate future returns, recalls, or what have you. We have no other intended purpose for this information.

(2) FTC choice/consent -- Web sites would be required to offer consumers choices as to how their information is used beyond the purpose for which the information was provided (e.g., to consummate a transaction);

The purpose of any collected information will be the primary deciding factor in how the information is use. For example, if you give your name and password so that you can log into a member's only area then your name and password are used to verify your login to that members only area. If you give you name and email address so that you can receive periodic newsletters than your name and email address will be used for the purpose of that emailing.

We have no intention of using any information beyond the scope of its primary purpose. We don't email customers just because they have made a purchase from us. But if there is an event significant to that product we might. For example, a toy being recalled as unsafe, etc. Under those conditions we would send an informative email.

It is possible at any time to request the removal of any non-transaction information from our site. We are required by law and accounting procedures to keep sales tax records and such from transactions. But that doesn't prevent us from removing your information from newsletter lists and login scripts. We even provide a form for self-removal from such lists.

(3) FTC access/participation -- Web sites would be required to offer consumers reasonable access to their information and an opportunity to correct inaccuracies;

If at anytime, for any reason, someone wishes not to receive our newsletter they need only ask and their address will be removed from out list. We only wish to send newsletters to those that want them. Otherwise it's a bother for us and you.

Any information which we may have which is inaccurate is open for correction. It serves you and us to maintain accurate information.

(4) FTC security/integrity -- Web sites would be required to take reasonable steps to protect the security and integrity of personal information.

We do not post or make available in any form our newsletter email list. Nor do we rent or trade said email list in any form. The list is maintained for the specific and sole purpose of sending periodic newsletters about the website.

As far as accounting information goes we take every reasonable precaution to protect both you and us.